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The largest marketplace for spare parts specialists
Delivery And Returns
  • The goods you purchased will be sent to you by our sellers. After your purchase finished, an email will be sent to you even this shippment is valid for us, for the custom duties and the sellers stock conditions.
  • We take your happiness with our service very seriously. We'll do our absolute upmost to make sure you're 100% happy with your purchase. If we can't fix your problem, you get your money back.
  • You have 30 days to return the product. 30 days return period starts on the date you receive your order. You can get the refund or we can send you a replacement. The product you return must be in its original condition and packaging.
  • You pay the return fees. If you received the correct undamaged product then you pay the return fees. If we messed up and the product was incorrect or faulty then we pay the return fees. That simple.
  • Pack the product in the product package the same way it was when delivered to you. Check that all manuals, notes and other separate parts of the product are packed inside correctly
  • Put the product in a separate postal package – do not send the product without a protective package. Include the invoice copy you received with the parcel.
  • Ship the package to the address of the seller mentioned on the invoice to you. We will issue a refund when the product will reach the seller's warehouse. In case the product is incomplete or in bad condition because of the customer, we cannot refund in full or accept the return.
  • If you confirm the product, we pay to the seller. So after the seller ship the item to you, you have 3 days (excluding the transit time) to confirm the package. If you don't confirm the package we understand that you confirm the shippment.